Holiday Song "Cold Zoo Winter"

In this longitude and latitude, at this time of year, here comes the season of all things winter and fa la la and ho ho ho!

I've always wanted to do some music fit for the season, and had many fond memories of singing classics and standards from about the time of Thanksgiving right up to my birthday, which is February 2. (Note well...I'm a Ground Hog. Ground Hog Day is another bizarre "holiday" of sorts in these here parts, but I'm all for celebrating prognosticating over-sized underground furry four-legged creatures).

Back to doing holiday music...earlier this year during February Album Writing Month, I co-wrote this song "Cold Zoo Winter" with Shelley Miller (her website is here). The idea from "Cold Zoo Winter" came from wondering...what's life like for animals in the zoo who are otherwise quite perplexed by cold air and frozen bits of water (a.k.a. snow)?

Here's a direct link in case the embedd isn't working on your browser:

Hope you like "Cold Zoo Winter" and please enjoy safe travels throughout the holidays!

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