Chicago Acoustic Underground Podcast and More!

Upcoming musical adventures...

I'm really excited to share this the end of November I will be recording a podcast with Chicago Acoustic Underground! Check out to hear scores upon scores of amazing episodes helmed by Michael Teach. So many musicians and songwriters I admire and respect -- many of them have become very supportive musical friends -- have been on Michael's podcasts or have been a part of his label CAUDog Records.

In December I will be performing at the Chicago Fine Arts Building "A Night at the Fine Arts" -- I'll be one of many performers during the evening, but I play at 6:00 pm. Dec. 14th. 410 South Michigan Ave.

I'll be performing at "Folk You!" on Friday, January 18th. 8:00pm at the Horseshoe in Chicago. 4115 N. Lincoln Ave.

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