Lin-Manuel Miranda's Tonys Acceptance Sonnet

I was really moved by Lin-Manuel Miranda's Tonys acceptance Sonnet, which reflected upon the terrible tragedy in Orlando on 6/12/2016.

Here's his Sonnet:

"My wife’s the reason anything gets done
She nudges me towards promise by degrees
She is a perfect symphony of one
Our son is her most beautiful reprise.
We chase the melodies that seem to find us
Until they’re finished songs and start to play
When senseless acts of tragedy remind us
That nothing here is promised, not one day.
This show is proof that history remembers
We lived through times when hate and fear seemed stronger;
We rise and fall and light from dying embers,
remembrances that hope and love last longer
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.
I sing Vanessa’s symphony, Eliza tells her story
Now fill the world with music, love and pride."

I realized that the last time I tried to write a Sonnet in this English form, I was probably in high school. Time for a correction. It's never too late to write poetry. So I found this helpful but brief guide:

And worked out my own Sonnet, which you can read here:

In Human Hands

Does it seem so complex, oh these turn of events
Misguided young man, disregarded American
He bought from a store selling self defense
Have the cash? Try this military weapon.
He carried the guns to the famous Gay club
Bullets scattered lives across the dance floor
Headlines repeat like a mix tape overdub
Repeat never again, repeat never more.
Beautiful men and women fled to the streets
Orlando summer night, red sirens flashing lights
So loud we can't hear the sobbing or the screams
Shooter's down but we still dodge the gun sights;
We all run from shots fired and refuse to demand --
These weapons should never be held in human hands.

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